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Launching soon 

Climate Action Trust 


The increased frequency and severity of extreme weather caused by climate change is devastating lives and livelihoods, especially in developing countries. There are roughly 3.6 billion people living in low and lower-middle income countries who are disproportionately affected by climate change. Many of the poorest and most at-risk communities in these countries depend on an incredibly climate-sensitive occupations. 

The Climate Action Trust will bring together the insurance sector, philanthropists, NGOs, development experts, governments and local communities with a common goal of tackling climate risks as a driver of poverty in the least development countries. To achieve this goal the Climate Action Trust will build the financial preparedness and resilience of the most vulnerable communities by funding: (i) scalable projects that improve climate resilience in these communities, and (ii) payment of premiums that give these same communities a safety net that unlocks their ability to invest in their future.


Get in Touch

One Creechurch Place, London, EC3A 5AF, United Kingdom

Email: / Tel: +44 20 7645 9353

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